Arabic Parts are created by using three points in an astrology chart which are usually planets, celestial bodies, angles, house cusps and dispositors (ruling planet of a sign where a different planet is located). To calculate an Arabic Part the measurements of the points are converted from a range of 0 degrees 0 minutes and 1 second to 29 degrees 59 minutes and 59 seconds per sign to a range of 0 degrees to 360 degrees; 0 degrees is at 0 degrees Aries. For example; 15 degrees Gemini becomes 75 degrees. The degrees, minutes and seconds for two points are added together; then the degrees, minutes and seconds for the third point is subtracted from the total to create a location for the Arabic Part. If the total number after the third point has been subtracted is a minus number (for example - 5 degrees 3 minutes 23 seconds) the degrees, minutes and seconds can be subtracted from 360 degrees to create the location for the Arabic Part.
ABUNDANCE IN THE HOME Ascendant + Sun - Moon
ACCOMPLISHMENT Ascendant + Sun - Jupiter
ACTIVITY Ascendant + Venus - Mars
ADMINISTRATORS Ascendant + Mars - Mercury
ANARETA (TAKER OF LIFE) Ascendant + Moon - ruling planet of Ascendant (use the traditional ruling planet)
APPRECIATION Ascendant + Venus - Sun
ART Ascendant + Mercury - Venus
ASSASSINATION Ascendant + ruler of the sign for the 12th house cusp - Neptune
This part shows where events or people create deception or restrictions.
ASTROLOGY Ascendant + Mercury - Uranus.
BENEVOLENCE Ascendant + Jupiter - Mercury
BEREAVEMENT 12th house cusp + ruling planet of 12th house cusp sign (use traditional ruling sign) - Neptune
BIRTH Ascendant + ruler of the house where the Moon is located (use traditional ruling planet) - Moon
BONDAGE Ascendant + Moon - Moon's dispositor
This part shows where you are psychologically and emotionally attached to something or someone.
BOREDOM Ascendant + Sun - Venus
BRAVERY Day birth formula Ascendant + Part of Fortune - Mars
Night birth formula Ascdendant + Mars - Part of Fortune
BRETHREN Day birth formula Ascendant + Jupiter - Saturn
Night birth formula Ascendant + Saturn - Jupiter
This is how you relate to and are affected by your siblings or by people who are treated as siblings.
CAPTIVITY Ascendant + ruling planet for the sign of the house cusp for the house where Saturn is located (use traditional ruling planet) - Saturn
CATASTROPHE Ascendant + Uranus - Sun
Chaos and disruption caused by unexpected events
CAUTION Ascendant + Neptune - Saturn
CHANGE Ascendant + Uranus - Pluto
CHARM Ascendant + Moon - Mercury
COMMERCE Ascendant + Mercury - Sun
Personal gain and profit through communication.
COMFORT Ascendant + Venus - Moon
CONTENTMENT Ascendant + Venus - Sun
COOPERATION Cusp of the 7th house + Moon - Sun
CORRUPTION Ascendant + Neptune - Venus
DAMAGE Ascendant + Neptune - Mars
DANGER Ascendant + Mercury - Saturn
DEATH/DELAY Ascendant + cusp of the 8th house - Moon
This part shows the attitude to death and any belief in the afterlife. It can also mean the death of what you are emotionally attached to. A need to deal with emotional and psychological issues before you can progress.
DEATH AND REBIRTH Cusp 8th house + Saturn - Moon
DEATH OF CAREER Mars + Saturn - MC
DEBT Ascendant + Saturn - Mercury
DECAPITATION Cusp 8th house + Mars - Moon
DECEIT Ascendant + Venus - Neptune
DELUSION Ascendant + Neptune - Moon
DESTINY MC + Sun - Moon
DISAPPOINTMENT Ascendant + Mars - Neptune
DISCORD Ascendant + Jupiter - Mars
This part shows strongly held opinions and beliefs that can cause arguments or sometimes be offensive. If can also indicate potential challenges to your beliefs.
DISPUTES Ascendant + Mercury - Mars
DIVINATION Ascendant + Neptune - Mercury
DIVORCE Ascendant + Venus - Descendant
This part can indicate how you can be affected if you experience a divorce, it can also show how you end and leave behind what you no longer enjoy in a relationship.
ECCENTRICITY Ascendant + Mercury - Uranus
ENTERTAINMENT Ascendant + Uranus - Jupiter
EROS Ascendant + Venus - Part of Spirit
EXILE Ascendant + Uranus - Saturn
FAITH AND TRUST Ascendant + Mercury - Moon
This part shows how you express your faith in something. It also shows what you trust.
FATE Ascendant + Saturn - Sun
Lessons and experiences gained from events due to fate usually caused by actions and decisions made by others.
FATHER Ascendant + Sun - Saturn
This part shows how you relate to and are affected by your father or someone who is like a father to you.
FEMALE CHILDREN Ascendant + Venus - Moon
Not necessarily your own children but they are likely to be related to you or are related to someone who is treated like a member of the family.
FINDING LOST OBJECTS Moon + 4th house cusp - ruler of the Ascendant (use the traditional ruling planet)
This part shows how you are affected by what you have lost and your urge to replace it.
FOOLHARDINESS Ascendant + Saturn - Uranus
FORTUNE Day birth formula Ascendant + Moon - Sun
Night birth formula Ascendant + Sun - Moon
You're able to succeed in the area of life indicated where this part is located if you're willing to work for it. This is one of the areas that define what will make you happy and what success can bring.
FRIENDS Ascendant + Moon - Uranus
The effect your friends have on your life and opportunities to make new friends. This part also shows where you can gain allies.
FRUGALITY Ascendant + Saturn - Venus
This part shows where you are able to restrict extravagance and make compromises.
GOSSIP Ascendant + Mercury - Neptune
GRANDPARENTS Ascendant + Saturn - 2nd house cusp
HIGHER EDUCATION Ascendant + 9th house cusp - Mercury
HOMOSEXUALITY Ascendant + Mars - Uranus
Although this part can indicate homosexuality it's not necessarily the case. It can show a non-sexual attraction or strong interest in a person of the same gender and a desire to be like them. This part can also show traits that can attract attention from people of the same gender as you.
HONOUR Day birth formula Ascendant + 19 degrees Aries - Sun
Night birth formula Ascendant + 3 degrees Taurus - Moon
This part shows where and how you're able to gain honour.
HONOURABLE ACQUAINTANCE Day birth formula Ascendant + Sun - Part of Fortune
Night birth formula Ascendant + Part of Fortune - Sun
How you're affected by and where you can find people who are helpful, useful and trustworthy are shown by this part.
HOPE Ascendant + Mercury - Jupiter
HOPES AND WISHES Ascendant + 11th house cusp - ruler of 11th house cusp sign (use traditional ruling planet)
This part shows where and how you're capable of gaining what you need to fulfil your hopes and wishes.
HOPES AND IMAGINATION Ascendant + 11th house cusp - Uranus
This part indicates what your hopes may be and where you are able to use your imagination when unexpected and unpredictable events occur.
IMPRISONMENT AND SORROW Ascendant + Part of Fortune - Neptune
This part shows where and how your efforts to achieve what is represented by your Part of Fortune can be restricted due to deception and confusion.
INCREASE Ascendant + Jupiter - Sun
What you receive from family or from people who you are emotionally attached to is shown by this part. What you inherit may or may not be beneficial.
INHERITANCE Ascendant + Moon - Saturn
INSINCERITY Ascendant + Moon - Neptune
INSPIRATION Ascendant + Neptune - Uranus
KARMA Ascendant + Saturn - Sun
LEGAL AFFAIRS 9th house cusp + 3rd house cusp - Venus
This part shows where you are most likely to be involved in legal affairs and how you may be affected.
LIBERTY Ascendant + Sun - Mercury
LOVE Ascendant + Venus - Sun
Where you're likely to find love, how you're affected or how you can find it are shown by this part.
LOVE AND MARRIAGE Ascendant + Jupiter - Venus
LOVERS Mars + Venus - 5th house cusp
This part shows what you enjoy about being with a person in a sexual relationship. It can also show where you may have opportunities to find a lover.
LUCK Ascendant + Moon - Jupiter
MALE CHILDREN Ascendant + Jupiter - Moon
Not necessarily your own children but they are usually related to you or related to someone who you treat like a member of the family.
MARRIAGE Ascendant + 7th house cusp - Venus
What you seek from a marriage, your attitude to your spouse and where you are likely to find someone to marry are shown by this part.
MERCHANDISE Ascendant + Part of Fortune - Part of Spirit
This part shows what needs to be done to gain wealth and where you can gain wealth by buying and selling.
MISINTERPRETATION Ascendant + Uranus - Moon
MISUNDERSTANDING Ascendant + Neptune - Mars
MOTHER Ascendant + Moon - Venus
This part shows how you relate to and are affected by your mother or someone who is like a mother to you.
ORGANIZATION Ascendant + Pluto - Sun
This part shows where you can have power and control over your life by initiating dramatic changes and eliminating what you no longer want or need.
PARTNERS Ascendant + Cusp 7th house - Venus
PASSION Ascendant + Mars - Sun
This part shows how you can fight for what you are passionate about.
PERIL Ascendant + 8th house cusp - Saturn
This part shows how a person can be affected by psychological changes and personal experiences that can be difficult but will provide some valuable lessons.
PLAY Ascendant + Venus - Mars
This part show the effect of a positive outcome due to enjoyable and exciting risk taking.
POSSESSIONS Ascendant + 2nd house cusp - ruler of the 2nd house cusp sign (use traditional ruling planet)
This part shows where and how you are able to gain money and possessions.
POWERFUL FRIENDS Ascendant + Part of Fortune - Sun
PROFIT Ascendant + Venus - Mercury
RADICAL CHANGE Ascendant + Pluto - Uranus
REPRESSION Ascendant + Saturn - Pluto
RETIREMENT Saturn + Jupiter - Sun
RITUAL CEREMONIES Cusp of the 9th house + Cusp of the 3rd house - Venus
SECRET ENEMIES Ascendant + 12th house cusp - ruler of the 12th house cusp sign (use traditional ruling planet)
This part shows how you can deal with personal limitations and difficulties which tend to be kept hidden; also where or how sacrifices may have to be made.
SELF-UNDOING Ascendant + Cusp of the 12th house - Neptune
SERVANTS Ascendant + Moon - Mercury
This part shows the influence you can have over people who serve you or work for you and how you can be affected by them. You may or may not be their employer.
SEX DRIVE Ascendant + Pluto - Venus
SICKNESS Ascendant + Mars - Saturn
This part doesn't just show how you should react to physical sickness it can also apply to experiences of suffering and struggle.
SORROW Ascendant + Part of Fortune - Ruling planet of the sign for the cusp of the 1st house
SPECULATION Ascendant + 5th house cusp - Jupiter
SPIRIT Day birth formula Ascendant + Sun - Moon
Night birth formula Ascendant + Moon - Sun
This part shows how you can develop and express your personality.
SUCCESS Ascendant + Part of Fortune - Jupiter
SUDDEN ADVANCEMENT Ascendant + Part of Fortune - Saturn
This part shows where and how you are able to gain what you want from life, but hard work will be required.
SUDDEN LUCK Ascendant + Jupiter - Uranus
SUICIDE Ascendant + 8th house cusp - Neptune
This part shows where there is a potential to be self-destructive due to confusion or deception.
SURGERY Ascendant + Saturn - Mars
This part shows how an injury or ailment may occur and how you can be affected; also how you can recover.
TRAVELS (LONG DISTANCE) Ascendant + 9th house cusp - ruler of the 9th house cusp sign (use tradtional ruling planet)
This part shows how you may be affected by your experiences of long distance travel.
TRAVELS (SHORT DISTANCE) Ascendant + 3rd house cusp - Mercury
This part shows how you may react during short distance journeys and how you may be affected.
TRAVELS BY AIR Ascendant + 9th house cusp - Uranus
This part indicates how you may be affected when you experience air travel to foreign countries or long-distance locations.
TRAVELS BY WATER Ascendant + 15 degrees Cancer - Saturn
This part indicates how you may be affected when you travel to foreign countries or long-distance locations by water.
TREACHERY Ascendant + Neptune - Sun
This part shows how you may be affected by lies and deception invloved in betrayal, also how you may react.
UNDERSTANDING Ascendant + Mars - Mercury
This part shows how you can react or are affected by matters that require your understanding.
WIDOWHOOD Ascendant + Vindemiatrix (approx 9 to 10 degrees Libra) - Neptune
This part doesn't necessarily indicate where someone will be widowed. If can indicate how you are affected by a loss of what you value. Deception and uncertainty may be experienced.