The angular distance shown in degrees, minutes and seconds that a celestial body travels each day is its daily motion.
A planet, the Sun or the Moon are in debility when they are in the sign of their detriment or fall.
Each sign has three decans; the first decan is 0 degrees to 9 degrees 59 minutes 59 seconds, second decan 10 degrees to 19 degrees 59 minutes 59 seconds, the third decan 20 degrees 59 minutes 59 seconds. The decans are influenced by different signs of the same element. For example: the first decan of Aries is ruled by Aries; the second decan of Aries is ruled by Leo; the third decan of Aries is ruled by Sagittarius. If the Sun is in the third decan of Aries then Sagittarius will also have an influence on the Sun sign. The influence of the decan is not strong but it can be used to complement a chart.
1st Decan 2nd Decan 3rd Decan
Aries Aries Leo Sagittarius
Taurus Taurus Virgo Capricorn
Gemini Gemini Libra Aquarius
Cancer Cancer Scorpio Pisces
Leo Leo Sagittarius Aries
Virgo Virgo Capricorn Taurus
Libra Libra Aquarius Gemini
Scorpio Scorpio Pisces Cancer
Sagittarius Sagittarius Aries Leo
Capricorn Capricorn Taurus Virgo
Aquarius Aquarius Gemini Libra
Pisces Pisces Cancer Scorpio
The measurement in degrees, minutes and seconds of celestial bodies north or south of the celestial equator is the declination. A plus sign [+] is used for 0 degrees to 90 degrees north of the equator in a direction towards the north celestial pole; a minus sign [-] is used for 0 degrees to 90 degrees south of the equator towards the south celestial pole.
If a celestial body is moving slower than is was on the previous day it's decreasing in motion.
The delineation is an interpretation of an astrology chart.
The descendant is exactly opposite the ascendant
A planet, the Sun or the Moon are in their sign of detriment when they are in the sign opposite to the sign they rule. When a planet, the Sun or Moon are in detriment their influence is weakened.
A planet, the Sun or Moon are in (domicile) dignity when they are in the sign they rule. The influence of the planet is strengthened.
A dispositor is a planet that rules a sign where another planet is located; the Sun and Moon can also be dispositors. For example; if the Moon is in Aries the Mars is the Moon's dispositor because Mars is the ruling planet for Aries.
A diurnal arc is a variable arc where a celestial body travels from sunrise to sunset.
The Dragon’s head and tail is an alternative name for the North Node and South Node of the Moon.
Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn are earth signs. The element earth in astrology is associated with stability, materialism and practicality. An excess of earth in an astrology chart can indicate inflexibility, materialism, a strong need for security and restriction due to tradition. A lack of earth can indicate difficulty with reality, impracticality and possibly little common sense.
The east point is where the ascendant would be if the chart is created for a person or event if the location is at the equator.
The ecliptic is the path the Sun appears to take around the Earth. Twice a year the ecliptic appears to cross the celestial equator at each equinox. The ecliptic is also where eclipses occur. the tilt of the Earth's axis is inclined to the celestial equator by about 23 degrees 30 minutes, which is known as the obliquity of the ecliptic.
The elevation is the altitude of a celestial body above the horizon.
The angular distance between the Sun and a celestial body; also the distance between the Moon and Earth are called an elongation. The longest elongation Mercury and Venus can be from the Sun is about 28 degrees for Mercury and 47 degrees for Venus.
An ephemeris is an astrological almanac that lists the daily positions of the Sun, Moon, planets, nodes; sometimes other celestial bodies and astrological information.
The equator is a line around the Earth which separates the North and South hemispheres.
There are two equinoxes each year; the spring (vernal) equinox and the autumn equinox. When there is an equinox the day and night are of equal length. the equinoxed occur when the Sun is at the point where the celestial equator crosses the ecliptic. At the vernal equinox the Sun is at the first point (0 degrees) Aries and crosses into the northern hemisphere. At the autumn equinox the Sun is at 0 degrees Libra and crosses into the southern hemisphere.
When a celestial body is in the sign it rules it's in essential dignity.
A planet in exaltation is in harmony with the sign where it's located.
A planet is in its fall when it's in the sign opposite to the sign where it's in exaltation. It's where discomfort or overcompensation for what is lacking may be expressed.
When a celestial body is travelling faster than its mean or average daily motion it is fast in motion.
Six of the zodiac signs are feminine signs; they are Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn and Pisces. They are considered to be receptive and increase introversion.
Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius are fixed signs. In astrology readings they can show resistance to change and persistence.
Aries, Leo and Sagittarius are fire signs. The element fire in astrology is associated with action, expression and impulse. An excess of fire can indicate a tendency to quickly express anger, carelessness and insensitivity. A lack of fire can indicate pessimism, little enthusiasm and low energy.
The first point of Aries is at 0 degrees Aries, which is also the point of the vernal equinox.
A foundation chart is created for the moment the construction of a building has begun.
Geocentric astrology has the Earth at the centre with the measurements of planets and other celestial bodies from the point of view from the Earth.
Pope Gregory XIII introduced a new calendar in 1582 to replace the Julian calendar. Ten days were removed from the calendar so the 5th October 1582 became 15th October 1582. The length of the Gregorian calendar is 365.2425 days. Different countries adopted the Gregorian calendar at different dates; it was not used in England until 1752.
Greenwich Mean Time is the local time for Greenwich, United Kingdom which is at 0 degrees longitude. It is also called universal time and is used worldwide by astrologers.