Jupiter and Saturn are the most important planets in financial astrology. They're slow enough to indicate major changes and fast enough to have their influence confined from a day to a week. Expansion, optimism, growth, inflation and rising prices are indicated by Jupiter. Pessimism, recession, falling prices, stability and caution are indicated by Saturn.
The outer planets Uranus, Neptune and Pluto show economic changes which have an effect for a long time. Uranus indicated unexpected shocks; Neptune unrealistic expectations, deception and fraud; Pluto a dramatic transformation, death of a situation followed by a rebirth.
Where planetary aspects are concerned conjunctions and oppositions have the strongest influence. Trines, sextiles and squares can also be used. When oppositions and squares are applying or trines and sextiles are separating the market is likely to slow down; when the oppositions and squares are exact the market is likely to hit a low; when the oppositions and squares are separating or trines and sextiles are applying there can be a rise; when the trines and sextiles are exact the market is likely to be at a high.