

Planets and other celestial bodies are constantly moving; this movement is referred to as transiting or being in transit. Using transits is a method of creating an astrology forecast to show general trends and events. Usually the transits for Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto are used. Although the Sun, Moon, Mercury and Venus can be used they transit very quickly so they don't tend to be used for a transit forecast. Transits are interpreted using signs, houses and aspects.

Transiting Moon

The following information for the transit Moon is only for a general indication that can be used in a forecast. There are other factors that need to be considered for a detailed forecast for a person or an event.

Transit New Moon

Time for beginnings; setting goals; starting projects; planting seeds; new activities; desire to move ahead; increased optimism; higher energy.

Transit 1st Quarter Moon

Can be favourable for taking action; developing projects; making decisions; starting new activities; lay foundations for the future; overcome obstacles; nurture positive action; direct energy to new goals; finalise plans and make progress.

Transit Full Moon

Time to assess progress; emotions can run high.

Transit Last Quarter Moon

Time for reflection and retreat; destroy or eliminate what is no longer wanted or needed.

Transit Dark Moon (Just before the New Moon when no part of the Moon is visible)

Time to rest and recuperate: introspection; when depression is most likely to be felt; loss of or low energy; not a time to exert self; favourable for secretive activities; not a time to start new projects.

Transit Waxing Moon (increasing in size)

Time to develop self belief and confidence; easier to increase body weight; favourable for gaining strength.

Transit Waning Moon (decreasing in size)

Time for anything that needs to be reduced; favourable for losing weight; it's easier for inflammation and swelling to heal.

Transiting Moon in Signs

Transiting Moon in Aries

Favourable for travelling in an easterly direction as Aries is associated with the dawn. Increased anger or energy.

New Moon

Time for beginnings: bold new projects which are for the short term; taking the initiative; time to take action for the goal indicated by the house where the Moon is located.

1st Quarter Moon

Favourable for taking action; potential for impulsive decisions; increased ability to deal with conflict; time to start a business; collect debts; buy property for a quick resale.

Full Moon

People are more likely to lose their temper; increased ability to take the initiative.

Last Quarter Moon

Cut hair for less growth; start a diet for quick results; time to put energy into finishing projects; cut wood.

Transiting Moon in Taurus

An argument or conflict initiated at this time can take longer than expected; increased patience; a favourable time for gardening.

New Moon

Slower to begin projects; a time to set practical goals; favourable for sowing seeds and planting new plants; buying a home; getting a pet; start building a house.

1st Quarter Moon

Slower to take action; favourable for practical and steady development of projects; slower to make decisions; a time to cut hair for thickness; favourable time to start a savings account; start a new job that is to last for the long term; beauty treatments, buying clothes; painting; sewing.

Full Moon

Cut hair for thickness; beauty treatments; buying clothes.

Last Quarter Moon

Time to finish projects; increased urge to relax or become lazy; making preserves and jellies.

Transiting Moon in Gemini

Favourable for communication; people may try to use persuasion in their favour; it's easier than usual to adapt to changing circumstances. 

New Moon

Improved communication; a favourable time to send mail; have a party; join a club.

1st Quarter Moon

Favourable for communication; begin studies; send mail; join a club; have a party; travel for enjoyment.

Full Moon

Increased nervousness and anxiety.

Last Quarter Moon

Cut hair for less growth; cut wood; dry produce.

Transiting Moon in Cancer

Favourable for being with the family; emotional sensitivity.

New Moon

Favourable for sowing seeds; cut hair for growth; beauty treatment; weight gain. 

1st Quarter Moon

Conflict has a stronger effect on emotions than usual; increased tendency to be defensive; cut hair for growth; easier to gain weight; beauty treatment; sow seeds.

Full Moon

Easier to gain weight; people can become very emotional.

Last Quarter Moon

Time to retreat or relax to benefit emotional wellbeing; make preserves and jellies.

Transiting Moon in Leo

More enthusiasm; increased tendency to show off.

New Moon

Favourable time for a party.

1st Quarter Moon

Favourable time for a party. Cut hair for thickness.

Full Moon

Increased tendency for some people to be overconfident.

Last Quarter Moon

Put energy and enthusiasm into finishing projects; break a habit; cut wood.

Transiting Moon in Virgo

A good time to tidy up; favourable for dealing with detail.

New Moon

Time to start a healthy diet; begin studies; improve health; start detailed work.

1st Quarter Moon

Begin a healthy diet; start detailed work; begin studies; improve health.

Full Moon

Easier to lose weight.

Last Quarter Moon

Easier to lose weight; cut hair for less growth; break a habit; start a diet to lose weight.

Transiting Moon in Libra

Favourable for romance; an easier time for fair and democratic decisions.

New Moon

Favourable for interior decoration and beauty treatments. Time to buy clothes; have a party.

1st Quarter Moon

Favourable for interior decoration; beauty treatments; having a party; buying clothes.

Full Moon

Increased urge to be extravagant.

Last Quarter Moon

Time to seek a conclusion to democratic discussions.

Transiting Moon in Scorpio

Conflict should be avoided as the effects could be nasty and last for a long time. Jealousy, obsession and revenge can be spiteful. Mood swings; increased passion.

New Moon

Time to initiate action on something that will require intense involvement. Sow seeds.

1st Quarter Moon

Favourable for dealing with matters that require intense and passionate involvement. Obsessions are more likely to start at this time. Sow seeds.

Full Moon

Increased tendency for some people to be emotional, jealous or obsessive.

Last Quarter Moon

Time to eliminate what is no longer wanted when ruthlessness is required.

Transiting Moon in Sagittarius

Boosted optimism; increased urge to take risks; urge for travel; focus on freedom.

New Moon

Favourable time to have a holiday abroad; increased optimism.

1st Quarter Moon

Favourable time to have a holiday abroad; increase urge for freedom.

Full Moon

Increased optimism; more likely to take risks.

Last Quarter Moon

Time to plan a holiday abroad; cut wood; dry produce.

Transiting Moon in Capricorn

More serious than usual; time to focus on ambitions; favourable time for achievements. 

New Moon

Time to take action to achieve ambitions; collect debts.

1st Quarter Moon

Increased desire to achieve; favourable time for issues that require a focused and serious approach; collect debts.

Full Moon

Increases pessimism.

Last Quarter Moon

Time to conclude matters that require a serious approach.

Transiting Moon in Aquarius

More humane than usual; urge for freedom; increased unpredictability.

New Moon

Time to take action to gain more freedom.

1st Quarter Moon

Increased attention on humane causes; favourable time to take action to gain more freedom.

Full Moon

Increased possibility that some people can become unpredictable due to their emotional state.

Last Quarter Moon

Time to plan action to gain more freedom; cut wood; lose weight.

Transiting Moon in Pisces

Sensitivity to conflict; confusion; deception; urge to avoid obstacles; more difficult to be focused; increased creative urges.

New Moon

Favourable time for creative work and activities. Easier to gain weight. Cut hair for growth; sow seeds.

1st Quarter Moon

Time to be inspired and creative. Easier to gain weight. Cut hair for growth; sow seeds.

Full Moon

Increased confusion and deception.

Last Quarter Moon

Time to conclude creative work; tendency to avoid difficulties rather than confront them.

Transiting Retrograde Planets

Transiting retrograde Mercury

    When Mercury is retrograde problems with communication increase. This can be due to a misunderstanding or technical faults with equipment used in communication such as phones or computers. Look out for losses and delays with deliveries and disruption that affects travel.

   During this phase it's a good time to check facts, correct mistakes and make revisions.

Transiting retrograde Venus

   Generally people tend to be less civil and less cooperative than they usually are. The amount the public spends is likely to be reduced and they are more reluctant to pay their bills.

   Although the outcome may not be disastrous it's not a good time to have cosmetic surgery, seek romance or take part in social occasions during this retrograde phase; the outcome may not be what you wanted or expected.

Transiting retrograde Mars

  Mars in retrograde reduces the ability to be active or enthusiastic; it's more difficult to take the initiative or make progress. The expression of anger is repressed but old arguments and conflicts may occur.

Transiting retrograde Jupiter

   During the phase when Jupiter is retrograde there is reduced optimism, generosity and extravagance. In business expect reduced growth. When Jupiter is retrograde it's a time to plan for expansion but not to initiate it.

Transiting retrograde Saturn

There can be a lack of organisation in serious matters due to incompetence, delays or lack of attention to detail. Rules and regulations are more likely to be broken. The possibility of those in authority behaving irresponsibly is increased.

Transiting retrograde Uranus

Freedom and technological progress may be restricted and reform may be delayed.

Transiting retrograde Neptune

Problems may occur due to deception and confusion. Those who have deceived others may find they now have to be truthful.

Transiting retrograde Pluto

People who are in a position of power may find their ability to be in control is reduced or taken away from them.