Astrology dictionary section A

Astrology dictionary section A


An abscission occurs when a celestial body is approaching an aspect with two other celestial bodies; one aspect with one of the celestial bodies becomes exact before the second aspect with another celestial body. This can restrict the influence of the second aspect. Abscission is also known as frustration.


The 12 signs of the zodiac are in harmony with the 12 houses; for example Aries has an affinity with the 1st house, Taurus with the 2nd house and so on. When a planet is in a house which has an affinity with its ruling sign it's in accidental dignity. An example of this is Mars in the 1st house as Mars is the ruling planet for Aries.


The degree exactly opposite the Sun in an astrology chart is the acronycal place.


A planet that rises directly opposite the Sun just after sunset or sunrise is an acronycal planet


The date for a planetary position in an ephemeris coincides with the progressed position of a planet is known as an adjusted calculation date.


Aestival signs are the summer signs; they are Cancer, Leo and Virgo.


When planets or signs are in harmony according to their house placements or aspects they can be described as being in affinity.


When a planet has more than one hard aspect (square, opposition, semi-square) is may be referred to as afflicted. An afflicted planet can show lessons that need to be learned.


A term used when celestial bodies are in conflict or have a detrimental effect on each other.


The Age of Aquarius starts at about 2660 AD, when due to the precession of the equinoxes the vernal equinox (the start of spring in the Northern Hemisphere) occurs in the constellation Aquarius. The vernal equinox at the moment occurs in the constellation Pisces.


Gemini, Libra and Aquarius are air signs. The element air in astrology is associated with thought, ideas and communication. An excess influence of air in a birth chart can indicate an excellent ability to communicate but also a tendency to suffer with mental exhaustion. A lack of air in a birth chart can indicate difficulty with communication, concentration and rationality.


A planet is almuten when it's the most influential or has the most beneficial influence on the chart. It's usually in its own sign or in exaltation and has harmonious aspects with other celestial bodies in the chart.


Anaretic degrees which are also known as fate degrees are those occupied by Mars and Saturn; they can also be occupied by the Sun, Moon or Mercury if they are in conjunction, opposition, square, trine or sextile to Mars or Saturn. The last degree of a sign if it's occupied by a planet can also be an anaretic degree. When a planet transits an anaretic degree there is likely to be disruption, but sometimes there can be a crisis or on a rare occasion a disaster.


The angles are the four cardinal points on the ecliptic; they are the east horizon/angle (ascendant), west horizon/angle (descendant), zenith (midheaven) and nadir (IC).


Angular distance is measured in degrees, minutes and seconds. It's the distance between two points in an astrology chart.


The 1st, 4th, 7th and 10th houses are angular houses.


A planet in conjunction with the ascendant, descendant, MC (midheaven) or IC (imum coeli) is an angular planet. An angular planet can have a strong influence.


This is a type of solar eclipse where the Sun's disk is not completely covered by the Moon; where the Moon is at its farthest distance from the Earth (apogee). A thin ring of light around the Moon is visible.


The amount of time it takes for a planet to travel from one perihelion to the next perihelion. Also the time it takes the Moon to travel from one perigee to the next perigee.


The time it takes the Earth to travel from one perihelion to the next perihelion is an anomalistic year, which is 365.23964 days.


The antiscion for a celestial body in interpreted as its shadow. It's located in the sign opposite where the celestial body is located using the position is based on the axis created by the solstice points from 0 degrees Cancer to 0 degrees Capricorn. To find the antiscion of a celestial body its position in degrees, minutes and seconds has to be subtracted from 30 degrees. For example if Mars is at 3 degrees 22 minutes and 33 seconds Leo its position is subtracted to create an antiscion for Mars as 27 degrees 38 minutes and 27 seconds Taurus.

The antiscion sign placements are as follows:

Aries antiscion is Virgo.

Taurus antiscion is Leo.

Gemini antiscion is Cancer.

Cancer antiscion is Gemini.

Leo antiscion is Taurus.

Virgo antiscion is Aries.

Libra antiscion is Pisces.

Scorpio antiscion is Aquarius.

Sagittarius antiscion is Capricorn.

Capricorn antiscion is Capricorn.

Aquarius antiscion is Scorpio.

Pisces antiscion is Libra.

When the antiscion for a celestial body is aspected by a transiting or progressing celestial body it indicates something is is associated with that is usually kept hidden; but an antiscion has a weak influence on the chart that is similar to a trine or sextile aspect.

The plural term for antiscion is antiscia. 


Derived from the latin anti "against" and sedentia "sitting". An old term used to describe retrograde motion.


When the Moon is at its greatest distance from the Earth it is at its apogee.


In astrology an arc is the measurement in degrees, minutes and seconds of the distance between celestial bodies or celestial bodies and angles.


The ascendant is the degree on the eastern horizon for the time for the creation of a chart, such as a birth chart. In a birth chart it has a strong influence on the expression of the personality.


Planets of long ascension take a longer time to rise over the horizon than planets of short ascension. In the Northern Hemisphere the planets of long ascension are Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio and Sagittarius; planets of short ascension are Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces, Aries, Taurus and Gemini. In the Southern Hemisphere the planets of short ascension are Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio and Sagittarius; planets of long ascension are Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces, Aries, Taurus and Gemini. 


A line which joins the North and South poles of a planet of which it rotates.


The measurement in degrees, minutes and seconds of an arc that separate the tropical zodiac from the siderial zodiac.


The angle measured eastwards from North in a horizontal plane to the vertical circle (meridian) that runs through a celestial object.