Astrology signs

Astrology Signs

There are 12 astrological signs from Aries to Pisces that are used in the astrological chart; houses, planets and other celestial bodies are located in astrology signs.


Masculine Sign; element: fire; quality: cardinal; ruling planet: Mars; Symbol: the ram. Dignity - Mars, Detriment - Venus, Exaltation - Sun, Fall - Saturn.


Accidents due to impulsive behaviour, action, aggression, a lack of interest in trivial detail, a new start, arrogance, assertiveness, boredom with details, brazen, bravado to hide insecurity or apprehension, bravery, competitiveness, childishness, competitiveness, courage, daring, direct, dislike of clingy behaviour,  dislike of showing vulnerability, dislike of taking orders, drive, easily bored, energy, enthusiasm, fearlessness, foolhardy, high sex drive, impatience, initiative, lack of sensitivity, leaders and leadership, quick responses, need for a challenge, need to fight, passion, pioneering, quick responses, proving self through action, rashness, release of energy in short bursts, rushing into situations, selfishness, short attention span, short lived anger, speed, strength, taking risks, temper, uncomplicated, urge for speed, urgently, urge to be first, use of force, violence.


Accidents, armed forces, arms manufacturer, blacksmith, butcher, dentist, engineer, engineering, enterprise, fire fighters, foundry worker, mechanic, metal worker, new starts, professional sports people, trade union leader, violent people, warriors.


Brain, cheekbones, earache, ears, eyes, facial muscles, fever, headaches, high blood pressure, inflammation, injuries due to accidents, injuries due to violence, migraines, neuralgia, nosebleeds, sinusitis, teeth, toothache, upper jaw, vertigo.


Feminine sign; element: earth; quality: fixed; ruling planet: Venus; Symbol: the bull. Dignity - Venus, Detriment - Mars, Exaltation - Moon, Fall - Uranus. 


Bad habits that are not easily broken, beauty, capable of hard work but may choose to be lazy, careful, caution, common sense, conserving strength, consistent, creativity, desire for comfort and the comfort that wealth brings, desire for wealth, does not act quickly, does not like to take risks, endurance, enjoyment of the simpler things in life, finding change daunting, fondness of gardening, gentle, getting stuck in a rut, hard working, inflexible, laziness,  likes routine, materialistic, needs security, not impulsive, permanent, persistence, placid, possessive, practicality, preference for tried and tested methods, procrastination, refusal to be rushed, restrained, rigid, seen as slow, sensuality, slow to anger but when it's unleashed it can be immense,  stability, stamina, stubborn, stuck in a rut, wanting reward for effort.


Architecture, art dealers, auctioneers, bankers and banking, building, businessmen and business women who directly make money, civil servants, countryside, farmers and farming, finance, financiers, horticulturists, music, jewellers occupations with a set routine, property, property dealers, real estate, sculptors.

BODY AND HEALTH Chin, good constitution, inner ears, jugular vein, larnyx, lips, nape of neck, neck, problems due to overindulgence in food, robust health, sore throat, throat, thyroid gland, tongue, tonsils, vocal chords, voice loss.


Masculine sign; element: air; quality: mutable; ruling planet: Mercury; symbol: the twins. Dignity - Mercury, Detriment - Jupiter, Exaltation - North Node, Fall - South Node 


Ability to acquire information, active, adaptable, a need for variety, a need to be constantly active, clever, communicative, cunning, curiousity, dexterity, doesn't want to get stuck in a rut,dual personality, easily distracted, feeling unsettled, fickle, fidgeting, flirtatious, flexible, high-strung, impersonal, inconsistent, love of change, low tolerance of boredom, lying, manipulation, mental agility, mobility, movement, nervous energy, nervous habits, nervousness, no fixed course of action, novelty, persuasiveness, quick, quick reactions, restless, seeking stimulation, sense of humour, sociable, speed, superficial, two-faced, varied interests, verbal expression, versatility, wit.


Events that have short lived novelty value, gossip columnists, journalists, literature, telephone communication, twinning locations (place 'a@ in one country is twinned with place 'b' in another country).

BODY AND HEALTH Allergies, arms, asthma, breathing, chest infections, hands, lungs, mind, nail biting, nervous system, oxygenation of the blood, problems with nerves, respiratory ailments, respiratory system, rib cage, schizophrenia, shoulders, sternum, stress, windpipe.


Feminine sign; element: water; quality cardinal; ruling planet: Moon; symbol: the crab. Dignity - Moon, Detriment - Saturn, Exaltation - Jupiter, Fall - Mars. 


Acquisitive, appreciation of home life, attachment to past and tradition, brooding, clinging, collecting, defensive, difficulty letting things go, domesticity, easily hurt, emotional, emotions influence decisions, fear of abadonment, feelings, hides sensitivity behind a brave front, hoarding, instinct, maternal, moody, narrow-minded, nesting, nurturing, patiotism, prejudiced, protective, receptive, reminiscent, selective about what is remembered about the past, self-protective, sensitive, sentimentality, shrewd, smothering, sympathetic, tenacity, touchy, urge to collect items, urge to protect what is vulnerable, when emotionally hurt can be childish, worry.

SITUATIONS AND PEOPLE Antique dealer, baby sitter, boat builder, catering, cookery, fishing, historian, hotelier and running a hotel, housekeeping, laundries, museum curator, nurseries, nursing, occupations by the sea, plumbing, sailor, shopkeeping.

BODY AND HEALTH Breast, chest, digestive problems, glandular system, hypochondria, illnesses caused by emotional distress,  imaginary illnesses, liver, lymph, oesophagus, pancreas, stomach, stomach ulcers, water retention.


Masculine sign; element: fire; quality: fixed; ruling planet: Sun; symbol: the lion. Diginity - Sun, Detriment - Saturn / Uranus, Exaltation - Neptune, Fall - Mercury.


Ability to lead, ability to see the positive side, adornment, arrogance, aspirations for supremacy, attention seeking, boasting, bold, brash, commanding, confidence, courage, desire for an audience, desire for power, dignity, domination, ego, enthusiasm, exhibitionism, expressiveness, extroversion, exuberant,  faith in self, fame, generosity, honesty, likes to give orders, lazy streak, loyalty, need for recognition, obstinate, optimism, ostentatious, overconfidence, potential for leadership, pride, pride is easily hurt, quick temper, self-assured, self-centred, sense of drama, strength, strong opinions, strong-willed, susceptibility to praise and flattery, tactless, taking charge, urge to show off, warm.


Acting, actors and actresses, dancing and dancers, holidays, managing director, public entertainment, royalty.


Back, back problems, brain (due to the Sun being the essence of self), circulation, good constitution, good recuperative ability, heart, heart problems, solar plexus, spinal cord.

Feminine sign; element: earth; quality: mutable; ruling planet: Mercury; symble: the maiden. Dignity - Mercury, Detriment - Jupiter / Neptune, Exaltation - Saturn, Fall - Venus.



Analysis, attentive to detail, being too hard on self and others, boring, can be cruel, can be sloppy and untidy but fussy about where things are kept, common sense, competence, conscientious, criticism, cunning, cynical, dependable, difficulty making a decision as all options are picked to pieces, diet, discrimination, dislike of emotional scenes, dislike of laziness, dislike of leading, doing the dirty work for others, easily gives criticism but can't take it from others, economy, efficient, fault-finding, fussy, hard working, health, health consciousness, industrious, inhibited, intelligence, intolerant, judgement that is not affected by sentimentality, likes routine, likes security, methodical, miserly, modest, neatness, nervousness, order from confusion, organisation, over-analysis, over-thinking, patience, penny pinching, perfectionism, precise, quiet, rarely starts an argument, reserved, sarcasm, sceptical, service, shy, tedious, thorough, trustworthy, undemonstrative, work, worry.


Careers connected to health and hygiene, chemistry, clerical work, delicate work, duty to inform, duty to the elderly, food supplies, horticulture, inspector, occupations needing analytical skill or attention to detail, public hygiene, secretarial work, secretary, servant.


Abdomen, allergies, bowel disorders, care of health, chronic intestinal complaints, constipation, delerium, dementia, depression, dieting, digestive organs, dyslexia, eating disorders, gallstones, health problems due to poor nutrition, hypochondria, illness due to poor nutrition, intestinal problems, intestines, nervous complaints, sensitive constitution, stomach ache, weak intestines.


Masculine sign; element: air; quality: cardinal; ruling planet: Venus; symbol: the scales. Dignity - Venus, Detriment - Mars, Exaltation - Saturn, Fall - Sun.


Affection, appearing two-faced, appreciation, artistry, avoiding unpleasantness, balance, caring about appearance, caring what others think, co-operative, compromise, courtesy, deliberation before making a decision, dependent, desire for company, desire for popularity, diplomacy, dislike of being alone, equality, equilibrium, fear of being disliked, flattery, gullible, harmony, inability to say no, indecision, harmony, keen to please, likeable, liking beautiful surroundings, loss of temper affects judgement, love, peace, popularity, procrastination, refusal to use force, romance, seeing all sides of an argument, seeking friendship, sense of justice, sociable, tactful, tolerance, trying to please everyone, urge to share experiences.


Agents, art, art dealing, associations, beauticians, concessions to peace, creative work, diplomat, fancy goods, fasihion and fashion designers, hairdressers, law, marriage, negotiations, partnerships, politics, receptionist, sales brokers, work in luxury trades, work in pleasant surroundings.


Bladder, blood vessels, calculus, diabetes, fallopian tubes, kidneys, kidney problems, loss of balance, lower back, lumbago, ovaries, pancreas, urethra, urinary problems, urinary tract, weight problems.


Feminine sign; element: water; quality: fixed; ruling planet: Pluto; symbol: the scorpion. Dignity - Mars / Pluto, Detriment - Venus, Exaltation - Uranus, Fall - Moon.


Aggression, attraction to the occult, brooding, capacity for powerfully and in a subtle way influencing others, concentration, controlling, death, deceptive calm appearance that hides anger or passion, conflict with the light and dark side of their personality, cruel streak, destruction, detection, determination, depth of feeling, dislike of superficiality, dominance, endurance, extremes, feeling of love or hate with intensity, forgives but does not forget, intensity, introspection, jealous, magnetic, memory for kindness and cruelty, not always diplomatic, not superficial, obsession, obsessive, obstinate, passion, possessive, psychic gifts, rebirth, resentment, revenge, rewarding other people's generosity, ruthless, secretive, seeing vulnerability as a weakness, sense of cruelty, sexual perversion, shrewd, strong convictions, strong likes and dislikes, suspicious, tyranny, vengeful, vindictive when hurt, violent.


Banking, crime of passion, criminal activities and criminals, destroying something to create something new, detective, inheritance, meat trade, mining, pathologists, pharmacists, police, psychiatrist, psychic medium, psychologist, scientific research, sex crime, spiritual healer, surgery and surgeons, the underworld, undertaking and undertakers, wills, work underground.


Anus, colon, haemoglobin, health issues with prostate, health problems within the pelvis, hernia, lower spine, painful menstuation, pelvis, problems with the reproductive system, reproductive system, sexual organs, strong ability to recover.


Masculine sign; element: fire; quality: mutable; ruling planet: Jupiter; symbol: the archer. Dignity - Jupiter, Detriment - Mercury, Exaltation  - North Node, Fall - South Node 


Adventurous, aims for what they want to achieve, broadminded, can lose temper quickly but it's short lived, careless, charitable and generous to a limit, curiousity, direct, dislike of deception, enjoyment of the outdoors, enthusiasm, exaggeration, excitement, extrovert, feeling that own beliefs are correct and objections to their beliefs are misguided, gregarious, gullilble, hates deception, hides unhappiness with a sense of humour,  honesty, hope, idealism, impatience, impulsive, likes a challenge, likes change, likes to take risks, love of long distance travel, low boredom threshold, need for freedom, not inclined to worry, opportunist, optimistic, outspoken, over estimation of own potential, philosophical, philosophy, poor judgement, preaching, pushes their luck, recklessness, reliance on faith, religion, restlessness, risk, seeks the truth, speaks first and thinks later, spiritual beliefs, spontaneous, tactless, talkative, tolerant, urge for a challenge, urge to see and do a lot, wants to live life own way.


Achieving what is wanted by positive thinking, explorer, extreme sports, foreign agencies, horse trainer, gambling, international commerce, jockey, law, lecturing, philosopher, professor,  publicity, religion, religious leaders, religious organisations,  skydiving, skiing, sport, sportsmen and sportswomen, straying from what is familiar, support for human diversity, teacher, the church, travel.


Buttocks, coccyx, femoral artery, femur, hips, pelvis, problems with hips, rheumatism, sciatica, sciatic nerve, thighs.


Feminine sign; element: earth; quality: cardinal; ruling planet: Saturn; symbol: the goat. Dignity - Saturn, Detriment - Moon, Exaltation - Mars, Fall - Jupiter.


Ability to deal with hardship, admiration of competent people, ambitious, appears to age well, authority, calculated, can be domineering, cautious, coldness, concentration, conformity, conservation, constructive, cool, critical, desire for money, difficulty discussing feelings due to a reluctance to show vulnerability, disciplined, dislike of not being in control, doesn't waste time, dry sense of humour, dutiful, elitist, faithful, fault-finding, fear of being dependent, hard working, high achievement, if deceived takes every measure to prevent it happening again, improvement with age, inhibition, inner strength, ironic sense of humour, likes to be in control in relationships, low tolerance for incompetence, loyal, materialistic, methodical, miserly, morbid, not demonstrative, not easily angered, not extravagant, patience, perseverance, pessimistic, plodding, practical, prudence, rather save than spend, reliable, reluctance to be idle, reserved, restriction, resourceful, ruthless, scheming, shy, seizes chances for success, self-contained, self-destructive, self-discipline, selfish, self-reliant, serious, severe, single-minded to obtain success, slow, slow to forgive, status conscious, struggle, the need to have power, thinks carefully before taking action, uses resources to attain goals, when defeated they feel depressed, willing to work hard, workaholic, worries.


Administration, archaeology, authority, civil servant, feeling of isolation, government services, government employment and work, organised crime,  politics and politicians, public administration, punishment, rules and regulations, study of history, success from hard work, seeking approval from those in authority.


Bones, bruises, chills, colds, decalcification, dental problems, depression, dislocation, fractures, hair, health problems due to old age, illness due to exhaustion, injuries from falls, joint problems, knees, knee injuries, skin and skin diseases, sprains, teeth, weak constitution in childhood that improves with age.


Masculine sign; element: air; quality: fixed; ruling planet: Uranus; symbol: the water carrier. Dignity - Uranus / Saturn, Detriment - Sun, Exaltation - Uranus / Saturn, Fall - Neptune. 


Aloof, contradictory, different, dislike of being crowded, does what is unexpected, doesn't like clingy behaviour, doesn't mind own company, doesn't want relationships that are too demanding or time consuming, different, dislike of boundaries, dislike of being limited by time, eccentric, emotionally detached, idealist, independent, individuality, innovative, need for freedom, innovative, individual, lacks hysteria, lack of jealousy, likes to shock, living by own rules, looks at problems from an unusual angle, not a snob, not possessive, open minded, original, progressive, rational, rebellion, rejects strick discipline, resists contraint, resistant to authority, shocks, strangeness, stubborn, takes others by surprise, unconventional, unemotional, unpredictable, unusual, wilful, won't tolerate being causually asked for favours.


Astrologer, astronomer, electricity, humanitarian organisations, inventor, practical and unusual ideas, progress through experimentations,  public corporations, reform, revolution, scientists, unusual career, water distribution.


Ankles, anxiety, calves, feeling healthy and happy when not conforming, cramps, fibula, heel, hypertension, injuries and health problems associated with legs and ankles, legs, nerves, neuroses, poor circulation, problems with nerves, tendons, tibia, varicose veins.


 Feminine sign; element: water; quality: mutable; ruling planet: Neptune; symbol: the fishes. Dignity - Neptune, Detriment - Mercury, Exaltation - Venus, Fall - Mercury. 


Ability to relieve suffering of others, adaptable, avoiding problems, avoids the harshness of reality, belief in fate, changeable, compassion, confusion, cowardice, creativity, deception, dependent, devotion, difficulty coping with reality, difficulty differentiating fantasy from reality, disillusionment, disorganised, easily discouraged, emotion, empathy, escapism, evasive, fear, gullible, helplessness, humble, imaginative, impractical, impressionable, indecisive, introversion, intuition, kindness, lack of discrimination, lacks direction, lacks willpower, lying to avoid hurting another person's feelings, moody, murkiness, mysticism, needs encouragement, not methodical, procrastination, psychic ability, responsive, sacrifice, self-deception, self-pity, sensitive,sensitivity to surroundings, struggles with discipline and routine, subtlety, susceptible to the emotions of others, takes the path of lease resistance, timid, tolerance, transcendance, vague, white lies. 


Art and artists, chaos due to a lack of organisation, dreaming, drug dealers, escapism through the use of alcohol or drugs, fantasy, film and film industry, fishing industry, footwear and footwear industry, fraud, hypnotism and hypnotists, illusionists, imprisonment, missionary work, musicians and music, nurses and nursing, oil industry, photographer, poets and poetry, prisons, spiritual burdens, the sea, the soul, those who work in prison, work with large animals.


Colds, depression, diseases that are difficult to diagnose, feet, problems with feet, problems with veins,  psychosomatic illnesses, tears, self-harm, weak constitution, vulnerability to health problems due to alcohol or drug use.