Makes radical changes to replace what is old with what is new.
Slow to make radical changes, but if they're not made events will occur to create them.
Radical changes are created due to a desire for something interesting to happen.
Sudden and unexpected changes have an effect on emotional wellbeing.
Radical changes that are initiated tend to be self-centred and dramatic.
Anxiety may be created if order is disrupted when sudden and unexpected events occur.
Sudden and unexpected changes can be an unpleasant and frightening experience, especially when there are confrontations.
Any radical changes that are initiated are not superficial, they're total transformations.
When radical changes are initiated there is optimism about the potential outcome; an unfavourable outcome can be a shock.
Radical changes may be planned to increase chances of achieving aims and ambitions.
Sudden and unexpected changes may be enjoyed, sometimes initiated. The may be innovative, possibly revolutionary.
There will be a sense of when sudden and radical changes will happen; empathy or creativity may be required.