Astrology dictionary section P to R

Astrology dictionary section P to R


When two celestial bodies are on the same side of the celestial equator and have the same degree of declination they are parallel. The influence of the parallel is similar to an aspect called the conjunction.

Parallel in Mundo / Mundane Parallel

A celestial body is parallel in mundo with another celestial body when it's the same distance from one of the four angles (ascendant, descendant, MC, IC). For example; if a celestial body is in the 2nd house it can be parallel in mundo with another celestial body in the 12th house if they are both an equal distance from the ascendant.

Partile Aspect

When an aspect is exact it's a partile aspect, which has a stronger influence than an applying or separating aspect.


A planet without essential dignities is said to be peregrine. 


When the Moon is at its closest to the Earth it is at its perigee.


The point in an orbit of a celestial body where it is at its closest to the Sun

Personal Planets

The Sun, Moon and the planet ruling the Ascendant are personal ruling planets. 


Aspects which are not exact are platic aspects. Their influence is weaker than the influence of a partile aspect.

Platonic Year

 A platonic year is the time taken for the celestial pole to move in a circle around the pole of the ecliptic.


The term posited can be used to explain where a celestial body is in the chart.

Precession of the Equinoxes

The precession of the equinoxes is a westward (retrograde) motion of the equinoxes along the ecliptic, which cause the equinoxes to occur earlier every siderial year. this is due to the gravitational effect of the Moon and the Sun on the Earth and its equitorial bulge. (The Earth is not a perfect sphere it bulges at the equator.) the Earth's axis of rotation is affected, it's path travels in a circle which takes approximately 26,000 years to complete. The celestial equator moves on the celestial sphere but the ecliptic is not affected; the equinoxes move on the celestial sphere. The celestial poles move in circles on the celestial sphere.

Prenatal Epoch

The prenatal epoch is the moment using the date when conception is thought to have occurred.

Prime Vertical

The prime vertical is a circle that crosses the east point, nadir and zenith from any location on Earth. It's perpendicular to the meridian and the horizon.


The astrology chart can be divided into four sections where each section contains three houses, each section is a quadrant. The first quadrant contains the 1st, 2nd and 3rd houses; second quadrant contains the 4th, 5th and 6th houses; third quadrant contains the 7th, 8th and 9th houses; fourth quadrant contains the 10th, 11th and 12th houses.


Quadruplicities are three groups of four planets according to whether they are cardinal, fixed or mutable; each group has two pairs of signs which are opposite from each other in an astrology chart. In the cardinal group are Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn; in the fixed group are Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius; in the mutable group are Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces.

Rapt Parallel

Rapt is derived from a latin word raptus which can mean to carry off. Rapt in the term rapt parallel refers to the apparent daily movement of a celestial body. The term rapt parallel is used when there are two celestial bodies at equal distances from each other, from and on opposite sides of the meridian or horizon. Both celestial bodies are moving. 


Rectification is when a chart is created if the exact birth time or time of an event are unknown, but personality traits or information about the event are known. A chart is created according to where the planets are located to give the most accurate interpretation for a person or event.


Refrantion occurs when two planets are approaching an aspect with another planet, but before the aspect is exact one of the two approaching planets turns retrograde.

Relocation Chart

A relocation chart is calculated for the same date and time of birth that are used for a birth chart but for a different location. The positions for the angles and houses can change dramatically between the birth chart and the relocation chart, but there is little change in the positions for the planets.

Retrograde Application

A term used when a retrograde planet or asteroid is approaching an aspect with another retrograde planet or asteroid.

Retrograde Motion

All the planets and asteroids in the solar system have orbits of different lengths and speeds. When a planet or asteroid from the point of view from Earth appear to slow down and stop it becomes stationary, this will happen before it turns retrograde where it appears to travel backwards. It will appear to slow down and stop before it goes into direct (forward) motion again. The Sun and Moon are always in direct motion, they are never retrograde.

Right Ascension

Right ascension is a measurement of the apparent motion of the Sun through the sky, caused by the orbit of the Earth around the Sun. It's measured in degrees, minutes and seconds in an easterly direction along the celestial equator from the vernal point, also known as the first point of Aries at 0 degrees Aries. It can be measured in time units where 360 degrees is equal to 24 housed; the first point of Aries is at 0 hours, 0 minutes and 0 seconds.

Rising Planet

The first planet after the ascendant is the rising planet.

Rising Sign

The sign where the ascendant is located is the rising sign.